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Yin Yoga & Meditation Mental Wellbeing Event with Bluebird

  • Yab Yum Yoga 260 Stirling Street Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)

Need extra support for your mental health? Join in for a morning of relaxation and connection including Yin Yoga, meditation & morning tea.

Enjoy a relaxing yin yoga class and a short meditation practice to end the week. Followed by delicious morning tea and a chance to meet adults 25+ experiencing mental health challenges.

This opportunity is open to members and non-members alike to share, connect and learn simple strategies to build your resilience and wellbeing.

Yin Yoga consists of floor based poses to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (the 'rest and digest' response to life) by holding poses and using breath work it can bring you out of the busy mind and into the feeling body.

Yoga Nidra (sleep yoga) is a meditation practiced while lying in 'savasana' (on your back). 20 minutes of yoga nidra is the equivalent of 4 hours sleep.

These two beautiful practices combined can help reduce stress and anxiety, balance emotions, enhances mental focus and promotes rest and relaxation.

This event is provided by Bluebird Mental Health, a peer support service. Funds raised will go towards upkeep of their much needed services.

Come along and meet other adults 25+ experiencing anxiety and depression.