James Mcleod

James Mcleod

(Pronouns are He/Him/His)

Working in Wealth Management keeps James pretty busy Monday to Friday, however, Rotary and Family consume most of his rest, with a little bit of time left over for friends.

Rotary Roles and Achievements:

  • Rotary of Crawley - Charter member, President, Board Member for 4 years.

  • Rotary of Elizabeth Quay - Founding member Rotary Elizabeth Quay, Inaugural Vice President and Board Member for 3 years

  • Rotary District 9455 - Membership and Club Development Director 2019-2022

  • Paul Harris Fellow 2014 & 2017

Rotary Origin Story:

I have been a member of Rotary since 2010, however, my first experience with Rotary was in 2001 as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student in a little town in the Pacific North West of USA (Washington State). The most amazing experience a 17 year old can probably have at that time in their life.

Other Community Service:

I was previously a long term Dogs Refuge Home volunteer where initially I walked and trained doggies, then taught/ inducted the new volunteers for several years. In the end Rotary and having a child forced me to step away. A long term blood donor due to the fate of being born an O negative blood type.

What habit or improvement are you working on? Trying to slow down and to stop and smell the roses.

What cause are you most passionate about? Homelessness, however increasingly, causes that help sick or underprivileged children.

What is your preferred form of communication style? Straight to the point and don't sugarcoat it. The less interpretation I have to make, the better.

Tell us a personal attribute you are proud of? Very loyal!

What exciting activities do you dream of trying someday? Something like a cross country motorcycle trek in another country. Also a triathlon in the short term.

What is your most valuable skill set? Problem solving.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be and why? Everyone starts taking responsibility for themselves, others and the environment.

If you were to meet your 15 year old self what advice would you give them? Start a business now!

What is your go-to dinner recipe and how do you make it? Mushroom risotto - lots of blood, sweat and tears.